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June 2008 - Proof of concept of the calculation method

2018-04-25 10:01:16
The current release of PROTIDE suites as a proof of concept of the chosen calculation method. Hence it closes phase 2 of the development of PROTIDE.

Proof of concept

Since the development of PROTIDE we were confident the calculation method in mind would be feasible and would produce results in reasonable calculation time. With the current release we delivered a prototype that takes away most of the remaining doubts. This version introduced variance in all data predictions, 95% confidence intervals on the results, vertical motion calculation and some performance increase to ensure a tidal window advice in about 10 minutes. Still the version is a prototype, because it only has limited data, needs an update of the vertical motion calculator and no thorough analysis has been done on the calculation settings, but we are satisfied with the current proof of concept. The release is documented on the website. For archive purposes it is converted to a PDF: 20080618 protide website extract.pdf
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