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April 2016 - Version 5.6 released

2018-04-25 10:01:16
PROTIDE 5.6 provides support for managing large (growing) database tables such as imported (Matroos) data, (intermediate) calculation results and sent emails. PROTIDE 5.6 also supports PostgreSQL (version 9.5.0), significantly reduces calculation time and implements fixes for several security vulnerabilities.

Managing large (and growing) database table

  • PROTIDE continuously polls the latest predictions from Matroos. PROTIDE 5.6 provides an efficient way to store this data in a NetCDF format in so-called hydro_meteo tables. For each such table a module table to get insight into its contents, an clean up historical data. Cleaning up historical data requires a sufficient authorization level.
  • PROTIDE sends emails with PDF attachments for each transit. A new email module in PROTIDE shows an email box with sent items and allows to delete old emails.
  • Tidal window calculations generate many calculation results and intermediate statistics. Intermediate statistics (such as vertical motion indexes) provide useful insight, but can grow very large. PROTIDE 5.6 adds a module to manage large volume (intermediate) calculation statistics.

Database support

PROTIDE is tested and operationally hosted on MariaDB 5.5. The new version PROTIDE 5.6 adds the following database support.

  • Prepared to upgrade to MariaDB 10.1
  • Full compatibility for PostgreSQL 9.5.0
  • Calculation API is compatible with SQLite 3.11.0. Custom build with enable_unlock_notify compiler directive.

Significant reduction calculation time

PROTIDE 5.6 significantly reduces calculation time by:

  • Increasing performance for interpolation over vertical motion index.
  • Reducing the number of database queries used for storing calculation statistics.
  • Implementing an (significantly) more efficient algorithm for searching tidal windows in safe time locations.

Fixes for security vulnerabilities

  • Disables possibility for Open redirects and External redirects
  • Sets X Frame options header
  • Sets HTTP Only header for cookies
  • Removes dependency on external resources (

Other changes

  • Showing used data sources next to prediction diagram. Clicking an legend item unfolds the data source information.
  • Updated log-in by email functionality for preliminary transits. Unknown users are asked to first register themselves.
  • Adds support for wind predictions, and the impact of wind on the UKC. Currently only supported container ships and car carriers.
  • Improves validation and estimation of ship parameters.
  • Adds fields for optional ship parameters to the new transit form, and allows to attach documents to a transit.
  • Registers (un)successful log-in attempts.
  • Adds now-line to diagrams.
  • Improves import for results from Octopus Onboard measurement results
  • Extends interface PROTIDE API. API now supports submitting/deleting hydro meteo data table, submitting (tidal window) calculation jobs and retrieving calculation results.
  • Allows to define stationary points as part of an itinerary. A stationary point is a location where the channel transit is interrupted for definite period. Stationary points are currently only supported via the PROTIDE API.
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