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August 2012 - Version 4.1 released

2018-04-25 10:01:16
Version 4.1 introduces usage of the empirical distribution, the usage of the internal ship database and presents roll/pitch statistics.
PROTIDE 4.1 introduces three main features
  1. Now the bottom touch probability calculation in the Monte Carlo simulation does not assume a normally distributed probability, but calculates the upper bound (97.5% confidentiality) in the empirical distribution.
  2. Now users can select existing ships in the ship database in the "New request" module. If it does not exist yet, then it can be added via the "New Ship" form.
  3. Now the tidal window advice report shows a roll and pitch diagram. This diagram visualizes the interval between the mean and upper percentile (now set to 97.5%) for the 15 minutes Most Probable Extreme (MPE) for both the roll and pitch.
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