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January 2011 - Version 3.3.0 released

2018-04-25 10:01:16
Version 3.3.0 is an extra release to mainly add reproducibility and historical prediction information to the application.

Added functionality

  • Administrators can use the Restart calculation module to restart a tidal window calculation as it was performed by the user for debug and reproducibility reasons. The calculation can be started with the exact same prediction data available and random data is reproduced, to ensure an identical calculation process.
  • The View single advice module shows two prediction curves per diagram instead of one. The green line represents the most recent prediction curve. The purple curve represents the prediction data used during the calculation of the advice. The swell and wave height diagram is split in two different diagrams to improve readability.
  • The Earliest route start time does not have to fall within the 24 hour window of the tidal window request anymore. Any Earliest route start time can be used to start a calculation with a start time other than the Requested time of departure.
  • The Compare advices module is able to display diagrams with a time window exceeding 24 hours.
  • The Time / location diagram diagram is upgraded to handle a finer location grid. Next to handling integral kilometer positions, safe time intervals for decimal (significant) positions will also be presented.
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