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January 2013 - Version 4.2 released

2018-04-25 10:01:16
PROTIDE 4.2 is the main release of the developments in 2012. It consist of improvements in used predictions, user interface, harbor configuration options, ship database management, ship motion calculation, performance, tidal window calculation, error reporting, calculation reporting and data source connections.
PROTIDE 4.2 combines all developments done in the period of august up to December 2012. It therefore is an extensive release with the main subjects described below.
Interpolation between multiple (more than 2) location predictors and usage of water speed X / Y show an improved usage of available predictions.
Multiple user interface improvements should enhance the insight in data and open activities.
Administrators can add and configure new harbors via the standard user interface.
A ship database is available and filled via imports from the harbors Rotterdam and Amsterdam.

Ship motion calculation

AMARCON released a new OCTOPUS library. This introduced:
  • The possibility to use 2D wave spectra
  • Interface changes to examine calculated responses directly
  • Possible bulk analysis of ship motions
  • Performance improvements
The update is coupled in PROTIDE 4.2.

Tidal window calculation

In the tidal window calculation now all possible tidal windows in 24 hours are calculated and stored. The first found tidal window (after the optional given earliest route start time) is set as the reference route. In the tidal window report an extra field indicates that (water displacement, GM, GG' and roll period) estimations are used. Also a new module (advice comparison) combines (non declined) tidal windows for one request to show differences and similarity.


All system, calculation or other errors are (optionally) logged to a log file and possible syslog end point.

Data collection

Data forecasts are collected every ten minutes from given data servers. The current data source is the MATROOS data server. The PROTIDE - MATROOS collectors are now set up to collect data in parallel (different PROTIDE instances poll possible different MATROOS servers). The collectors give more insight in the last collection (poll) time and are stabilized to handle possible errors or time outs in the MATROOS interaction.
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