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February 2011 - Version 3.4.0 released

2018-04-25 10:01:16
Version 3.4.0 offers some major changes to the Advices modules, like calculating various probabilities by default, adding transparancy to overlay multiple Time Location diagrams, and improving route calculation. A regression test suite is added and various interface changes have been made.

Version improvements

  • The Data module has moved left in the main menu to correspond to its step in the process. A new tidal window request must always start with checking and verifying the available prediction data. Use the Quickstart manual as an helpful reference.
  • PROTIDE calculates time location diagrams for two probabilities by default, overlaying the results in one diagram by using transparancy.
  • The Compare advices module has been fully updated with transparancy.
  • The Single advice module leaves out declined advices by default. To view declined advices, the default filter should be cleared.
  • The Statistics table in the tidal window advice has been clarified.
  • A problem with the PDF export of articles has been fixed and the tidal window advice PDF results have been updated.
  • The selection of the various speeds on which vertical motions are calculated has been corrected.
  • Restarting a calculation offers an option to copy the calculation seed if needed.
  • A regression test suite has been added to verify calculation consistency in future software releases.
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